Trust - Granite Grok


Trust.jpgJust surfing around a few days ago and I came across this over at RedState: Why Should a Lady Own a Gun … ?  Now, most of it was interesting (kinda, to a point) but what caught my eye was this at the end:

Finally, owning a gun exercises an Amendment Right. It is a mark of trust from our Founding Fathers.

Trust – a most valuable commodity nowadays and certainly is in short supply today.  Certainly there is a lack of trust today from a lot of politicians towards the voters from both sides of the aisle. After all, how else can you explain the size of our tax code, the size of our criminal code, and the the size of our regulatory environment? Progressives truly believe that citizens are incapable of governing themselves, interact and treat each other “correctly”, and have to be “helped” at each and every turn of our gentle lives.  We can’t be trusted to spend our money the right way, can’t be trusted to help the right people, can’t say the right things the right way, and can’t be trusted to shun those people, groups, issues, or ideas that should be considered “impolite”.  After all, we have to be “perfected” by our betters.

And yet, some now long gone old white guys saw fit to trust us – they don’t know us, they don’t know our society, and they certainly have no idea the rot that has come into our society that was supposed to be for a “virtuous people”.  Yet, even while our “betters” trust us not at all, they did.  Reaching across the centuries, they knew that, some day, these ‘betters’ would come along – and that, perhaps, we would need their trust.  That we would use that trust in a worthy manner to defend ourselves, use that trust to defend our families, and use that trust to defend our friends.

And most importantly, they trusted us to take care of and nurture that which they gave us on a few pieces of paper (and a lot of blood and tears) – a free society.  Is it as free as they envisioned?  They gave us a trust, so long; squandered, or being stolen from us?  They gave us their trust – and have trusted us to use it wisely.
