Fall is the time for yard sales.....are you doing one for Obama?? - Granite Grok

Fall is the time for yard sales…..are you doing one for Obama??

Yard Sale For ObamaUgh.  First, the audacity of asking that in lieu of a wedding gift as you and your spouse start your new life together, consider having them just send money to a political campaign (Obama’s).  I know Michelle all wants us to move more and eat less better, but to skip a meal and then send the money saved to a political campaign (er, His again)?

You might have thought – how crass can you get?  Well, thankfully, the Obama’s next boffo idea is a wee bit less crass (heck, I remember doing yard sales for a purpose – Muscular Dystrophy) but still creepy.  They’ve declared all next weekend “Tchotkas for Obama!” weekend.

Rather appropriate, IMHO; junk for junk.

But, if you have to sneak around and STEAL something from a friend / neighbor (see about 1:50 into the YouTube)- NO PROBLEM!  After all, it is all for His good purposes: keeping his Butt in that Oval office.

(H/T: Gateway Pundit)
