Democrat Values Vs. TEA Party Values - Part Deuce (the middle class are ALL Unionists??) - Granite Grok

Democrat Values Vs. TEA Party Values – Part Deuce (the middle class are ALL Unionists??)

Steve has an excellent start on how NH Democrats are trying to redefine authentic New Hampshire values to match the values located in the NH Democrat Platform (and Don has a nice essay as well).  “The heck, you say!” might be going through your mind.  But hey, that bastion of Liberal and Progressive power, the SEIU, otherwise locally known as the SEA, the NH State Employees union…

Sidenote: you know, the “non-partisan” union whose HQ in Concord has nary a Conservative / TEA Party / Free Stater campaign sign that shows how “non-partisan” they truly are….(non-partisan: have I got BRIDGES to sell ya!) is all in for Democrat candidates that will be more than pleased to “negotiate” the next union contract.  After all, if “Govt is what we all do together” and (given the DNC message, that “that Government is the one thing we all belong to.”)

…is all for the idea that NH’s “middle class” is composed of nothing but union people (even as they only make up 6% of the workforce here in NH).  My, if that is the extent of the middle class, boy are we in trouble.  Naw, the number of folks in the middle class (but it DOES mean that 94% of NH workers are NOT in a union, which that was not really the point.

The point was the attempt to re-define something that isn’t.  This has been very evident as the elections and issues have become more and more partisan.  They think that just because they roar the most that they have the self-righteousness to proclaim themselves to be something they are not.  They’ve made all kinds of claims that without unions, like that of vacations, 40 hour weeks, 8 hour days, lunch time, and other benefits, that NO one could have EVAH obtained without the pinkie-ringed union bosses at the helm.  but again, here in NH, there’s so few of them in the Dreaded Private Sector, it is hardly true that middle class = unions.  Nor is it true that the Unions (like the OWSers before them) speak for the Middle Class.

Just like a lot of NH Dems – just because you say something “is” doesn’t make it true.  So, lying about what is reality a NH Value?  Or just a NH Democrat value?
