Data Point - Blue state or Red State - who is more charitable? - Granite Grok

Data Point – Blue state or Red State – who is more charitable?

This is exactly what I thought it would be – the Redder, the more charitable.  Mix in the religious fervor in a state, and this chart was pretty much what I thought it should be.  For instance, New Hampshire voted for Obama in the last election – and was all Blue (Democrat, Left) in 2008.  It is also known as being one of, if not THE, least churched States in the Union.  It is dead last (although I wonder if the informal giving that is not tracked to neighbors in need is reflected in here – I am always hearing about a supper / dinner / some other activity to raise monies).

I look at the top of the chart, and I see the Bible belt – who also are Republicans (or in the case of Utah, Mormans who are MUCH more serious about taking care of their their brothers (unlike Obama in nottaking care of his actual brother).

Thus, we see that in a quick visual comparison, Red means personal responsibility in taking care of their “brothers and sisters” directly – Liberals outsource their compassion to Government.

(H/T: Red State )
