AFPF American Dream Summit - "What is your American Dream? Obama's version?" - Granite Grok

AFPF American Dream Summit – “What is your American Dream? Obama’s version?”

Well, I didn’t get the interviews I wanted to this morning at the Americans for Prosperity Defending the American Dream Summit, so I changed gears and found a number of attendees just arriving that agreed to a quick Grok “micro-interview”.  Two questions:

  1. What is your version of the American Dream?
  2. Contrast that with what you think the Obama Administration’s version of the American Dream is?

Short, simple, and to the point.  Even two of my old Samsphere blogger buddies, Bob Weeks and Eric Telford, assented to answering my questions.  So, what were the answers?


Full disclosure: I was selected as Americans for Prosperty’s National Activist of the Year in 2011.  They are partially subsidizing my stay here (which means, I’m gonna work my butt off while I’m here doing the stuff I normally would do, but more chances to yak with more folks!).

Also, if you think that one of the folks in the video looks familiar, she is.  Melissa is the young lady that was not allowed to exit the building last year by OccupyDC hooligans that believed it furthered their cause to trap a disabled person by ensuring she could not open the door.  She as a great answer above to my question, and she had a great answer then when asked about the Occupy Wall Street version of democracy:

“No, that’s what mob rule looks like. Democracy is not about mob rule and that’s mob rule”.
