Where environmentalists explicitly wish no access AT ALL to anyone - and are willing to kill people to enforce it. - Granite Grok

Where environmentalists explicitly wish no access AT ALL to anyone – and are willing to kill people to enforce it.

I’m not sure if the proper metaphor is “enough rope to hang themselves with” or “let them babble long enough to find out what they really believe.  Once again, from that crazy hothouse of Environmentalism meets Totalitarian Murder, TreeHugger.  This post’s author is absolutely aghast that our civilization has found just SCADS of high amounts of usable energy and that we’d actually use it:

Consider this: If we’re going to keep temperature rise below 2°C (a figure it increasingly appears is still too high to avoid some serious climate impacts, but it is internationally agreed to), then we have about 565 gigatons more CO2 we can send into the atmosphere over the next four decades or so.

Then consider: The amount of carbon contained in the proven coal, oil and gas reserves of national oil companies and private corporations is about five times higher than this, 2795 gigatons.

In other words, we simply cannot allow that fuel to be extracted and used, if we’re going to preserve the climate in anything like a state we’ve grown accustomed over the recorded history of human civilization.

Notice the hubis that he REALLY thinks that:

  • Humans can actually stabilize global temperature.
  • Sufficiently number of like minded folks are willing to live stone age lifestyles to make that a reality
  • What’s this WE bit on the pronouncement, kimosabe??  I see no crown tipped on your forehead

But that wasn’t even the worst.  This guy just just wants us to live poorly; this next guy wants something FAR worse!

Commenter “fcfcfc” took over – and made it rather plain how s/he really thinks about those that think differently (emphasis):

Hi: I think it is interesting that in days gone by, a person in the military who betrayed “his side” by giving the enemy “xyz”, would be convicted of treason and put to death. His crime, creating a situation that costs the lives of his fellow (same side) country men. High treason, always resulting in death was when the crime was specifically against the state directly and or ruling body. Again, the crime is viewed as costing the lives of your fellow country men and undermining the infrastructure of your “people”. In essence, betraying all that is represented by those you live with. I wonder what we should call it when people, like the Koch brothers, O&G CEO’s, and all connected parties betray the whole human race and cost the lives of millions of people all over the whole planet? Perhaps Ultimate Treason? Their crime is knowing destroying the planet itself and all life on it, compounded by subverting the enforcement and government constructs designed to prevent such catastrophic demises. What should be their punishment?

I tried to point out the obvious the direction he was taking: “in order to save us, you want to kill us?”

Ah yes, let’s kill all the people that disagree with me. fcfcfc, this isn’t the military, this is regular society. Besides, the question was to Matt with respect to OTHER countries: how would you keep them from developing THEIR standards of living?

You have to admit, fcfcfc, your outlook is rather nihilistic and xenophobic – KILL THEM ALL!

And I left this for the author as well:

“we cannot leave these decisions, to burn or not burn these fossil fuels,  to either the corporations profiting from them (handsomely) and buying our political system, or to market forces.”

Well, since it is ordinary consumers that create “market forces”, you’ve eliminated our economic system from making the decisions, eliminated the political system from making the decisions, and the rest of us.

Good going, sport – who is left to make the decision to say “yes” to make your grand and glorious “no energy for you!” plan?  And then to actually make it happen?

Jumped, cliff…failed to use a net.

