Entitlement Nation? Deadbeat Attitude Begins at the Top - Granite Grok

Entitlement Nation? Deadbeat Attitude Begins at the Top

Bumper Sticker from Zazzle.com

We first became aware of the extent of the Obama campaign’s freeloading when the Town of Durham, NH, objected to the police overtime and other costs that the Presidential (campaign) visit would incur. Meanwhile, we read in the Boston Herald that the associated visit to Boston was much more expensive, but (Democrat) Mayor Tom Menino just absorbed the costs, and passed them along to the taxpayers.

So, with Democrats being accustomed to freeloading off the taxpayers, it should not surprise us to read in the Nevada Journal that, four years late, and under pressure of publicity, the Obama 2008 campaign just paid its bill to a struggling Las Vegas school district for two high school campaign stops.

Apparently, they were hoping that what happened in Vegas would stay there, and only paid when the news threatened to get out – oops! Too late, thanks to the Internet, and with a little help from Twitter aggregation site, Twitchy.com, news travels fast.

But wait, there’s more! (As there always is with this clown posse) from the Nevada Journal article:

In the City of Newport Beach, Calif., City Manager Dave Kiff invoiced Obama for America $35,043.04 for extra police officers, reserve officers and overtime pay to cover a February fundraising visit. Newport Beach spokesperson Mary Locey told Nevada Journal last week that, “the City has not received payment [due June 9] or a response from the campaign.”

So, it rapidly becomes apparent that, not only does the Democrat party want to freeload off the productive portion of society, but the Obama campaign has been living that dream since at least 2008, and as his fundraising falls short, we can expect more of the same in the runup to November. A fish rots from the head, and so will this nation if we don’t excise the freeloader in chief from the White House!
