GrokTV Special Event: GSPLPAC TEA Party - The Speakers Part II: Rep. Dan Itse, Irena Goddard, Karen Testerman - Granite Grok

GrokTV Special Event: GSPLPAC TEA Party – The Speakers Part II: Rep. Dan Itse, Irena Goddard, Karen Testerman

In addition to Nat Healy and Dr. Joe Tarta, there were three more speakers:

  • NH House Representative Dan Itse on the NH and US Constitutions
  • Irena Goddard, Freedom activist,  speaking about life growing up in a Communist nation and why she is scared for America
  • Karen Testerman, founder of Cornerstone, speaking on traditional values.

Dan Itse (he of the tri-corner hat!):

Irena Goddard:

Karen Testerman:
