Free market liquor stores coming - Granite Grok

Free market liquor stores coming

GOP Rep. John Hikel has sponsored a bill that will allow bottled spirits of all types to be sold in markets, grocery stores, convenience stores, and other outlets. This change in the law will obviously benefit the free market and consumers in New Hampshire, but it will also result in the creation of lots of jobs, and lots more work for truckers, delivery people, stockers, etc. A Commerce Committee hearing will be held this coming Tuesday, February 7th, at 2:15 p.m. in Room 302 of the Legislative Office Building in Concord. You should be there and testify in FAVOR of the bill. 

"The Feast of Spending Fools in Concord," by Bruegel

But wait! There’s a problem! To understand it, consider the famous picture above. You thought it was a raucous party of drunks in Concord, right? What might result if we allow expanded consumer choice and convenience in New Hampshire, and pass Rep. Hikel’s bill? No, you idiot. Read on to find out what the real problem will be….

The problem is that this excellent bill will result in millions of dollars of additional income to the state of New Hampshire. That creates an obvious problem: The Fools in the legislature—mostly Democrats but including some Republicans—when confronted by additional money flowing into the state coffers, show that they are fools by immediately saying “let’s spend it!” Worse yet, they generally want to spend the extra money on creating new and useless or constitutionally dubious state spending programs that will have to be funded into the future, forever. Like I said, fools.

But wait! The State House of Representatives is now held by a majority of common sense Republicans  who are not fools, and they are led by a Speaker, the excellent Bill O’Brien, who is not a Spending Fool. This means that other taxes can and should be cut!

So here’s the common sense message: “Republicans, kindly utilize the massive burst of additional state income that will result from Rep. Hikel’s pro-consumer, pro-jobs, pro-progress, pro-economy bill—HB 1251—to abolish the business profits tax. And that means NOW. Not later, after the extra money is squandered, and not after the Spending Fools try to take over in New Hampshire again.”

For the rest of you, if you value the individual rights of store owners to sell whatever they want that is legal, the property rights of the owners of buildings who will be free up to sell whatever they want that is legal, and the consumer rights of all of us to purchase whatever we want at whatever stores we want, so long as it’s legal, then you should support this bill!  When the last passes it will be a giant step for consumer choice, economic freedom, free enterprise, individual rights in New Hampshire

So thank you—ahead of time!—to the Republican Majority in Concord for passing HB 1251.
