What "The Grok" & "Blue Hampshire" Had In Common - Granite Grok

What “The Grok” & “Blue Hampshire” Had In Common

Why hasn't the NH Democrats show outrage at story of Teenage prostituionSharing the “indiscretions” of the opposing party are the foundation of blogging and, in fact, politics in general.   Not sharing them, when they occur among your own party leadership, members, supporters, or factions your leadership have embraced, might be construed as bias or hypocrisy.

Case in Point: The criminal elements among the #Occupy movement, a movement that the left and its leaders (even some libertarians) had quickly embraced, have been summarily ignored by both local and national Democrat party blame-stormers, including the case of Justina Jensen who was arrested for trying to pimp a 16 year old girl she met at  #Occupy Manchester as an on-line teenage prostitute.


Neither GraniteGrok, nor Blue Hampshire originally reported on Jensen, 23, (what we had in common) who met the 16 year old at an #Occupy Manchester event and then later lured her away to solicit her for prostitution on the internet.   The arrest, which occurred in late October, which was reported briefly (locally, regionally, even internationally) occurred the week many of us in Southern New Hampshire were without power.

But power or not, had this been tied to a TEA party event, the blog Blue Hampshire and the State Democrat party would have made sure we not only knew all about it, but would have embarked on a weeks-long full court media press to build a narrative that defined the entire TEA party in this context, while demanding that anyone that could be connected even tenuously, living or dead, to the Republican party or the TEA party movement, denounce the crime, the perpetrator, and the TEA Party itself.  But this being a Democrat party endorsed (and some say funded and facilitated) movement, a Democrat Party media black out was (and is) in order.

A search of both Blue Hampshire (Boo Hoo Hamster), and the State Democrat Party “spleen”and other organs, produced no venting  related to Jensen or the crime she was arrested for; trying to turn a local teenage girl from a movement they and their proxies supported and encouraged into a sex slave. (Former BooHoo Hamster circus master Dean ‘Bob’ Barker at “Bitch Paper” couldn’t be bothered either.) (see also: Birch Paper)

So the party of women and children, defender of the so-called ‘rights’ of the vagina wielding portion of the population, simply ignored the crimes of a young woman who tried to recruit a local teenager into a life of prostitution, and not as just any whore, but a cheap one.

Feel The Power Of The Dark Side

It should seem obvious by now that to Democrats and Progressives, politics and perception trump everything.  The same party with the itchy trigger finger of accusation for their opponents could spill a trillion kind words about rights or protections for their beloved victim classes,  but time and again, when confronted with the worst of human weakness amongst their own, we find their words about justice and rights mean nothing.

Only certain Women, and certain Blacks, and certain Hispanics, and certain Homosexuals, are worthy of their false empathy and “protection.”  And that is because Democrats are not out to protect anyone or anything that does not advance their own naked pursuit of power.  And it all makes perfect sense.  If the US Constitution, the highest law of the land, is mere putty to be molded in convenient shapes by Orwellian-left-wing linguists, to achieve the Agenda Du jour, how could anything else they say have any meaning at all? Ever?

It can’t.  So they are not to be trusted.  Not with anything, nor anyone.

Jensen?  If she even rises to the level of comment by the left in New Hampshire, she will be dismissed as an aberration—not at all indicative of their kind of protester.  But only because she was not at a TEA party event.  Of course given her age, associations, and “occupation,” odds are pretty good she’d vote Democrat.   That in itself is instructive.
