Prepare For The Barakaclypse - Granite Grok

Prepare For The Barakaclypse

Hope and Change,  Coffee Party, No Labels, Change that matters, F*ck Tea, the Wisconsin Union standoff, Occupy Wall Street (#OWS)…I must be missing some.

Every one of these was or is a left-wing campaign to make leftist dogma look like a centrist mantra. They exist to streamline progressive/socialist thought into mainstream thinking.  To move Overton’s Window further left.  But they failed, and so the latter iterations have become more destructive.  Each “movement” has gotten progressively more unruly, progressively more violent.

The next one, and there will be a next one because these are fascist/socialist radicals we are dealing with, will be more violent than each that has proceeded it. It may be Bride of #OWS or something new. The unions and the White House will again be involved. The goal is to turn what is left of the middle class against the system and then tear it all down, leaving ‘government’ as the only thing left to hang on to.

That was always the plan, but we would not go quietly and for a reason.

The majority of Americans do not want the kind of oppressive, crappy, top-down, backwater, third-world government the left wants or believes can do the things the left wants them to believe it will. They tried to be nice, but that was not working. So the left is making its stand as if in fear of cultural extinction.  It is the progressive Revolution, executed with the same incompetence typical of progressive” leadership.” If the left-wing narrative fails and intimidation and threats do not do the job, the Democrat leadership will turn once more to its historical solution of preference: mob violence.

Have any of them, after years of fabricating angst about non-existent ‘TEA Party’ violence, backed away from the real destruction and violence of the #Occupy movement? Where are the denouncements and calls to protect the victims of the movement that they insist represents their ideals?  There are no calls because this is what the Democrat Party Leadership wants.

This is how progressives get things done.  This is who they are.  They try to deny you your voice, and take away your right to self-defense, then give their advocates special privilege–endorsing inequality before the law and the right of mob rule.

But the world is a different place.   The internet and millions of cameras have done an end-around on the left-wing media narrative, leaving Democrat-socialist patrons of the mobocracy hung out to dry.  Gone are the days when the progressive media and the Democrat party controlled the message.  #OWS failed because we were not limited to the narratives chosen for us by the left.

But that will not stop them from escalating the conflict.

These radicals and their agitator in chief are not walking away from the last best chance they may ever have to finish the impenetrable superstate casting us into a crumbling socialist mediocracy.

They will keep trying to draw blood even if they have to do it themselves.


