A Question for NH Democrats & Unions... - Granite Grok

A Question for NH Democrats & Unions…

Union yes - No Pelosi says close non union plantRight to work is all about having the choice to opt out of forced unionization and by extension forced tithing to Labor Union overlords.  The State unions, national unions, and the entire Democrat party apparatus are against allowing anyone that choice.  They are fighting Right to Work in New Hampshire.  But just how far are they willing to go down that road?

Nancy Pelosi, the much beloved former Speaker of the US House, and poster girl for left wing Democrat governance, and who is also against Right to Work, is on the record stating that a Boeing plant in South Carolina needs to go union or the National Labor Relations board should be allowed to close the plant down.

Is this the NH Democrat parties postion as well, and that of the state union, SEA, SEIU, Teamsters and others who are insisting that New Hampshire workers have no right to opt out of paying union dues just to get a job?  Does the Federal government have the right to close a business or a facility in our state, and force those workers out of their employment, simply becasue they are either not unionized or have voted to de-certify the union, as is the case in South Carolina?

I think every worker or prospective worker in New Hampshire needs to know where you stand on this issue. So using Democrat party rules, failing to answer the question or to publicly denounce the Pelosi remarks will be viewed as showing support for them.

Teri Norelli, Sylvia Larson, Kathy Sullivan, Ray Buckley, candidate for Governor Maggie ‘The RedWood’ Hassan, Carol Shea-Porter and Joann Dowdell (to name but a few)…do Democrats in New Hampshire refute or support Pelosi on this proposition?

And to be fair, let’s throw it out to the Republicans who voted against Right To Work In New Hampshire as well.  How far does your support for forced unionization go? Are you willing to stand between the workers and businesses of New Hampshire and the Democrats, Union, and an NLRB that might try to take such steps?

We’re waiting for your reply.

Cartoon: Scott Stantis Chicago Trib

H/T HotAir
