Union Thuggery (and yes, it is a campaign ad) - Granite Grok

Union Thuggery (and yes, it is a campaign ad)

You know, I feel sorry for the paving company owner; he’s worked hard for his small company (25-50 employees, $5M in sales) and now the unions come along with a swagger of "

And given that President Obama has YET to disavow the "S.O.B." smear of the TEA Party by HIS favorite Union dude, I bet he would just smile at the tactics of destruction used by the unions as depicted.

That aside, I know from working in small companies that you HAVE to be able to wear multiple hats at the same time and do each hat’s responsibility credibly well.  As called out in the clip, how could a small company survive if someone, by dint of union work rules, is severely restricted in what they can do.  For a paving company, a truck driver can’t swing a shovel or a broom once in a while?  Three unions at one company?  Gimme a break.

Problem is, with the NLRB trying to implement Obama’s pre-coronation of "we are five days from fundamentally transforming the United States", Mr. Munsch may well lose operational control of his company – and is that what unions are supposed to be doing?

According to President Obama and his minions, yes.

(H/T: Powerline)
