The No Labels Lie Starts Today - Granite Grok

The No Labels Lie Starts Today

The New Hampshire Sleeper Cell of No Labels woke up and puts it’s cloven hooves on the ground today, as did all the other franchises nationwide.  The group, founded by a trio of democrat national political consultants, has had plenty of ink at GraniteGrok already (11/17/10 and 12/1/10) because it is imperative that we understand who they are and why they should be avoided.

These are pro-government democrats and RINO republicans looking to use the idea of the “middle” to grow government.  They are open to any bi-partisan dialogue that results in the expansion of the state, euphemistically referred to as “getting things done,”even if it is a slower more methodical expansion than the eruption of progressive socialism whose aftershocks produced a historical shift of power in the US House and in state government across the Republic.

Whatever the conversation, no matter how it is framed, the ultimate goal is finding ways to let the government do things for us, and how best to separate us from our income to pay for it.  And if you need proof, one of their favorite people in the world in Mike Bloomberg, the uber-rich left wing-RINO elitist who has as much love of top-down bureaucracy as any progressive.

So warn your friends and neighbors.  No Labels is another scheme to trick the unwary would-be independent or moderate into thinking there is a better way.  And while there is a better way–using the state and federal constitution to restrain the government–that is not what they have in mind.

So Coffee party people, and those of you who still think the Live Free or Die Alliance is not about the steady expansion of the state, feel free to dilute yourselves by visiting No Labels and signing up to ‘get things done’ without ever wondering what the things are, if they are things government has any business doing, or who will end up paying for it.

