Data Point - cash for for Medicare and S.S. - Granite Grok

Data Point – cash for for Medicare and S.S.

From the same post as below (see #9); It just looks better shown separately as a chart:

Sure, a growing economy will help.  But it will not solve.  Neither will "just taxing the rich" – you REALLY think that you can raise taxes on "just the rich" to the tune of $900 Billion?  Ain’t happenin…

This is simply the result of two things: demographics and "promised benefits" (the latter often under the rubric of "mandatory spending").  As I keep saying, over and over, it is mandatory ONLY because politicians have created law that has made it so.  My question is – if this spending was created by law, why can it not be curbed by yet another law?

Simple – politicians wish to get elected – again.  Instead of doing the hard work for which we elected them, they punt.  Kick the can down the road. Procrastinate.  Pander. Wimp out.

Retire before the bomb goes off – making it someone else’s problem instead of doing the hard work NOW.

Politicians promised other people yet Other Peoples’ money.  

Margaret was right – we’re almost there.  With the magnitude of the debt and the Obama deficits, there’s not even going to be enough to do what the Constitution mandates….
