Just Another Load Of Bull from Buckley [updated 2.0] - Granite Grok

Just Another Load Of Bull from Buckley [updated 2.0]

The NH GOP had a convention Saturday to get all rah-rah and make decisions about the party platform.  They were hoping for at least 400 of the states 725 delegates but only 294 delegates made the event. That is not unusual but there are some who think it is in indicative of waning in enthusiasm.

Take this Ray Buckley Facebook comment for example.

So much for NH Republican "enthusiasm", less than 25% of the delegates bothered to show up to yesterday’s state convention.

This suggests several things, none of which have anything to do with GOP enthusiasm.  First, Ray must feel certain that no one in his party will bother to do the math.  You see, there are 725 delegates, and 294 of them showed up, so that equals….just over 40%…not less than 25%.  Anyone who repeats this can be lumped into the category of left-wing lemming or blind liberal acolyte.

Second, he might not care whether anyone will bother to do the math.  Maybe that makes him arrogant, or perhaps it is a sign of his own desperation, given that all his evil plans appear to be unraveling.

Third, we now know the starting range of the Buckley margin of error (MoE).  Based on his math skills, combined with some genetic proclivity (or perhaps ingrained party policy) to just make things up, the current range of potential error is at least 15% plus whatever ‘less’ means in this context.

It also simply reaffirms what most of us already knew– you simply cannot believe a single thing this guy says.

[Updated] Ray must be in the little smurf village now.

LOL! The down and desperate NH Republicans are having a cow over getting called out on their embarrassing lack of attendance at their state convention on Saturday! LOL!

My response?

LOL! A majority of independents who were not at the convention are what will hand Buckley the most embarrassing defeat of his life and no matter how much or how often he lies to the useful idiots in the democrat party and their RINO helpers he is helpless to stop it.  LOL!  And we’re not having a cow, were having donkey you dishonest has been.

[and one other point] The anointed one has so tarnished the democrat brand–by simply being an actual democrat–that he can’t even fill a room anymore.  200 seats shy of 650 after dropping the price?  And they were on the phone looking for butts to put in the seats–not unlike Shea-Porters staffer at 8:20 in the morning when there was no one there in support of her debate appearance.  Keep slinging it Ray, the only people listening are those of us who use you as a circus prop and the liberals who are too stupid to see past your BS.
