If you are a Christian and a conservative... - Granite Grok

If you are a Christian and a conservative…

…and desire to understand the intersection of the truth at the core of both Christianity and Capitalism, this essay by George Gilder remains remarkably transcendent today: "The Soul of Silicon."  Recommended. But then….

…why mention a dozen-year-old essay by Gilder, the author of "Wealth and Povety," which provided a roadmap for the Reagan Revolution in the early 1980’s? (A revolution, by the way, successfully resisted and ultimately overcome by the political/government/ruling class…which resulting in America coming to the state it is in today. But that’s another story.)

Why? Because Gilder is a popular, yet often opaque and intense read. You need the background of reading "The Soul of Silicon"—if not "Wealth and Poverty" itself—to begin to understand his newly published essay, "Epistemics," about how science is traduced and turned upside down. Also recommended.
