Email Doodlings - No, it's not the Party - it's the people in it that matter - Granite Grok

Email Doodlings – No, it’s not the Party – it’s the people in it that matter

In yet another email, my answer (posted here) was challenged as to why we Conservatives / TEA Party / 9-12ers / Liberty & Freedom type folks should be working from within the Republican Party:

Skip, it’s not about the party, it’s about the people…I may have lost faith in the party, but I’ll never lose faith in my ability and willingness to keep on fighting for what I believe is right in the best way I can…the party has so little meaning as I illustrated by saying what good is a platform (or a party for that matter) when there are no consequences for breaking the rules laid out by the party?…if the party is so loosely defined and controlled it becomes too difficult to actually fight for a common cause…this party (the GOP) appears to more interested in keeping the party together than it is serving the people…so then the cause becomes fighting for the party?…I’d rather fight for the people and for myself and my family…it’s about the people and not the party Skip…  

My answer was this (given that the Democrat Party, now controlled by their Constitutional value hating Progressive Wing):

First, read the Platform – really!  Then come back here and tell me where it is wrong (and…


…right).  Then ask yourself – it is worth going to the mat on?  And remember, it wasn’t the Party that wrote it – it was the efforts of Conservatives to get in the room where it was being written, and then changed it – People, not Party.  People, fighting for principles.  That was step one – write the road map.

Second – the Party doesn’t set the rules; People inside the party do.  Good people are trying to change them to protect what was First.  Slowly it is happening, but very slowly – because of the lack of good People.  Not a good party, but good People.

Third – the Party doesn’t issues rules and money, People do.  People who have fought for the power to do so – some are the good guys, and a lot are not.  We, the support troops, have to be the People to help our guys to have that Power – to return it to the People.  Or, at the least, deny such power to the hands of the Progressives.

Fourth – holding the Party accountable by holding the People inside accountable.  THAT can be done both inside and out – but more bang for the buck from the inside.

It isn’t about fighting for the Party – it IS fighting WITH and FOR the Right People within the Party.


And, I will add here – fighting to turn the Republican Party truly back to the values, the Constitutional limiting values that those geniuses we now call the Founding Gathers put into place, that made this country great.

The Democrats wish to keep moving us towards a socialist State where the State is preeminent (regardless of whatever happy words they try to use to distract) – only the Republican Party provides structure that can be used by Conservatives / TEA Party / 9-12ers / Liberty & Freedom to prevent any more loss of our freedoms from an encroaching bureaucratic State.
