Just Tell Them To Kiss Your ....Donkey - Granite Grok

Just Tell Them To Kiss Your ….Donkey

Kiss My...A few weeks ago the NHDP mounted what they would call (if a Republican did it)a smear campaign.  It was against Bob Guida, and it was for being honest.  I know, that’s probably what threw them but that’s not why they dropped the arugula or spilled their latte in a mad dash for the keyboard.  Bob, bless his heart, had the gall to suggest that “Marriage Equality" was the root of all evil, and also said that single mothers were the result of a breakdown of marriage.

That’s Bob’s opinion.  How refreshing.

Meanwhile, the digital ditch diggers and ditch fillers over at the NHDP–proper Keynesian’s that they are–felt the need to dust off an old standard (not terribly forwarding looking or progressive of them by the way) and wave it in the direction of Mr. Guida.  It’s the "we demand an apology" and "the GOP should denounce this or they are all agreeing with it" meme.   In response, the GOP and Mr. Guida did almost exactly the right thing.  They paid almost no attention whatsoever. 

So why bring it back up?  Because they didn’t do ‘exactly the right thing.’

Before I tell you what that "exactly right thing" is, let me just comment on what Bob said, if for no other reason than to piss off a few narrow minded, two faced pin heads in the liberal progressive bivouac.  Single mothers are not just the product of a break-down in marriage (which is the left wings doing) they are also the product of their amoral, promiscuous culture where sex and responsibility have no connection whatsoever.  It is an intentional act of social engineering designed to create dependency on the government and to ensure proper government indoctrination of the child.

As for "Marriage Equality," the left got it with civil unions in NH but can not possibly be happy until they had bought the word ‘marriage’ with more out of state special interest money.  And buy it they did.  Not because they were still being denied some civil right (I am searching for the hordes of heterosexual grievance mongers decrying their inability to get a religious marriage in vein) but because it was the next step in dismantling whatever value was left in the idea of marriage that the single mother plot had failed to destroy.

Marriage (religious marriage in particular) is the enemy of liberalism.  It suggests the ability to create a model for independence and self reliance from government, in some cases based on the will and moral desire of God.

Well we can’t have any of that and still create the socialist utopia.  That’s got to stop.  And stop it almost has.  The liberal agenda has made marriage into a state civil contract between any two people who want to have sex.  On those terms the people will not long survive their own selfishness and descend into the waiting arms of cradle to grave welfare.

So Bob is right.  Bob need not apologize.  And here is where I clarify what "exactly" the right response would have been. Before anyone denounces or apologizes for anything, please show me where the NH democrat party leadership, or any of its significant political representatives denounced Carol Shea-Porter’s Teabagger comment; how about the leadership denouncing Rep Nick Lavasseur, or Rep Hodges–one implied we should have nuked more of Japan the other called House GOP Republicans stingy, old and stupid; when did the NHDP denounce Harry "light skinned negro" Reid, or anything Alan Greyson has ever said; countless liberals have falsely baited or called people racists, and the New Black Panther Party had a few hateful words for white people as well–un-denounced by any prominent democrats in this state, elected or otherwise.  And Sarah Chaisson Warner called Tea Parties White Supremacists–while she eventually backed off the NHDP never formally refuted, denounced, or apologized for that either.

So elected New Hampshire democrats and their leadership must be racist hate-mongers because they are incapable of denouncing  hate and racism in their own party that they demand so frequently of others.

And that’s all you have to say.  No argument.  No debate.  Just ask for some sign from them that they can live by their own rules, and until they do, and do it in the media, just tell them to kiss you *ss.
