So, where does Government Motors appear in the Quality ratings - "good enough for government work?" - Granite Grok

So, where does Government Motors appear in the Quality ratings – “good enough for government work?”

The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works — whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified."

            – President Barack Obama, Inauguration, 1/20/09 

Sorry, but the Proper Role of Government does not include owning automobile companies (after all, Britain did such a GLORIOUS job of running theirs right into the ditch, right?), so Obama Motors is only living up to the extremely low expectations.  And add it the marketing chutzpah of the Obama appointed Chairman of General Motors of trying to make it look like GM paid back its TARP money (with one hand, while grabbing into its other TARP bucket with the other), I’m not surprised at the ongoing shabby results.  So, how’s Government Motors doing?  Well, look at this chart by the Automotive Leasing Group:

ALG perceived Car Quality April 2010 

25 Brands.  Chrysler and GM brands were taken over by the Obama Administration.  Of those related brands, Chrysler & GM, out of the 10 bottom brands, 7 are Obama brand (70%).  Of the bottom 15, 10 are Obama brand (66%).

Stellar, eh?

(H/T: NewsBusters)

