About that background noise when I talked with the Youngest? - Granite Grok

About that background noise when I talked with the Youngest?

I wrote here that I had already talked several times with Youngest since his arrival in Afghanistan.  One of the things that immediately impressed me was the quality of the phone call.  I use a VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol – think Skype or a phone from your cable company) all day long – the outfit that the DoD contracts with has a much superior system in place (probably dedicated satellite, great landlines to boot).  Crystal clear, no hiss, no hum, and no static.

Crystal clear – dual landline phone quality.  So good, in fact, the first time I talked with him, I could hear a "…thummmP……thhhummmP…" in the background.

What was it?

See after the jump

Yeah, one of these – 120 mm mortar shell going off.  If you look close in the middle of the "fire", you can see the actual shell outlined by that fire.

(H/T: Mudville Gazette)
