The Obama Administration - seeking to reduce your choices - Granite Grok

The Obama Administration – seeking to reduce your choices


Nanny State

It is well known that Obama is in love with FDR’s take on the Bill of Rights – instead of focusing on what how the Bill of Rights commands the Feds on how to leave citizens alone, he wants to concentrate on FDR’s 2nd Bill of Rights of what Govt HAS to be able to do for you.

Nanny State on Steroids is what it actually comes down to.  Not only does Obama want to take from the Producers in society to just give to those that have not earned it at unoprecendented rate, but it is embolding those Holier / Brighter than Thou’s to come out of the wood work.

Yup, once again, we see the self justification in their actions to keep us from making our own decisions about our own lives.  Just because they know better.  From NewsBusters:

On Thursday’s CBS Early Show, correspondent Richard Roth reported on a new cancer study that found that obesity can increase the likelihood of getting cancer: "Aside from avoiding smoking, the report says that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the most important thing you can do for cancer prevention. That means diet, physical activity, and weight management…

Well, good advice!  Most or many of us don’t do all we COULD to be the healthiest that we could be.  But you know, that’s a personal decision.  It is my decision (or, at times, the decision of TMEW’s when she eyeball’s my shape….but that was a personal decision to have her around for the last 28 years too!).  It comes down to self-responsibility – how are you taking care of yourself?

But here’s where I start to take issue:

The report recommends laws and policy changes by government, industry, and schools, from adding bicycle lanes to public roads, to banning junk food from vending machines."

It should NOT be up to Government laws to restrict what I eat, especially just because somebody thinks something is bad for me (e.g., transfats anyone?  We shouldn’t be trusted with the decision to eat or not eat!).  You notice that from that snippet, the call for personal responsibility is overwhelmed by the call for GOVERNMENT, DO SOMETHING!

Following Roth’s report, co-host Julie Chen spoke with Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, an oncologist and brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel,

[note: he IS a White House advisor too – something that Chen just happened to leave out…)

and asked: "In light of this report, how big of a role do you think government should play in making sure Americans lead a healthier lifestyle?" Emanuel suggested: "…do you tax high fructose corn syrup in drinks that we know add calories and promote cancer?…we know that by better policies, we can encourage people to eat less and increase their exercise, which will have an effect, not just on cancer, but also heart disease and diabetes and other health-related activities."

Chen shows her absolute love of Bigger, more Nannier, Government with that question.  Yes, she did ask "What is the proper role of government?", my favorite question, but her BIAS in what government should be doing, rather than what it should NOT being, shows.

And they say that they are objective journalists – ha!  Go back to the Big Brother House, Julie…

Chen pressed Emanuel to be more definitive about the need for taxes on certain foods: "You say ‘maybe do we tax them?’ I mean, should we tax these manufacturers that are putting all these things in their products that make it taste good, but it’s not good for us?" Emanuel replied: "There are other ways to do it besides taxing. But that is certainly one option that should be considered. In New York, they banned transfatty acids."

…Agreeing with Chen, Emanuel declared: "…kids are not independent decision-makers. We know they’re not the most rational people…And I think school is one place, I personally am disturbed that we allow these high fructose corn drinks, corn syrup drinks, and that we allow a lot of junk food in them."

Yup, we’re all children to them….no sense of responsibility exists outside of Government, I guess.

Go read the Transcript.
