Journalists in the tank for Obama - and the Metro system? - Granite Grok

Journalists in the tank for Obama – and the Metro system?

OK, start counting the Republican Presidents vs the Democrat Presidents….and note the lame excuse

D.C. Metro Tickets and Fare Cards Now Bear Image of Obama
Friday, January 09, 2009

( – The Washington, D.C., Metro system is now selling paper tickets and plastic "SmarTrip" fare cards that bear the smiling image of President-elect Barack Obama.

Metro started issuing paper fare cards bearing Obama’s picture two weeks ago to celebrate the presidential inauguration that takes place on Jan. 20. This week it also started selling a plastic Metro “SmarTrip” card that bears Obama’s image.

OK, incoming President….I can see that.  Even if he is not the one I voted for, he has been duly elected.  I get it….


The only other president to be honored this way on a Metro card was Bill Clinton in 1993.

So, who is the intervening President?  Oh, George W. Bush.  And then his Dad before him….

President George W. Bush’s face was not put on the Metro fare card in 2001 because his inauguration did not generate enough positive public attention, Angela Gates, a spokeswoman for the D.C. Metro, told

Simple prejudice – in whose eye was there "not enough positive public attention"?  Or was it the party designation?

“It’s not often that we do commemorative items,” Gates said.  “It’s just very special major events that we anticipate a large public interest in.” 

Fans of President-elect Obama apparently do not mind paying the extra $5 for their commemorative SmarTrip passes. Most of the passengers in line to buy their cards at Metro Center in downtown Washington, D.C., told that they already owned SmarTrip passes and were just buying the Obama passes as souvenirs.

Of course not, dear, of course not….
