Liberals DON'T Love the US as well as Conservatives do - Granite Grok

Liberals DON’T Love the US as well as Conservatives do


From over at RightWingNews, Cassy has this to say:

And yeah, I understand the point of the column. It’s a criticism. We’re "blinded" by love to the point where we don’t even see America’s flaws. But that’s not quite true. I see them, as do many conservatives. But unlike liberals, that’s not all I see. I look at America and love her for everything she is, both the good and the bad. I look at my country, and despite the mistakes we have made and inevitably will continue to make, still know that this is the freest, best country on the face of the Earth, know that anyone from anywhere in the world can come here and build a good life for themselves if they’re only willing to work hard and play by the rules, that America will always stand for freedom and justice and democracy.

Liberals look at America, and have a hard time feeling the love and patriotism that conservatives feel because they can’t get get past the flaws. They can’t love America unless she is perfect. Conservatives, however, don’t require perfection to know that America is, indeed, a special, blessed place. It doesn’t mean that the rest of the world is a terrible, terrible place. It doesn’t mean that no one can possibly have a great life anywhere else. However, despite what many Little League coaches and PC teachers may believe, not every runner can finish the race in first, and while the rest of the world may be great, it’s just not the USA.

And who sent her off on this topic?  A very liberal columnist, Joel Stein:

I don’t love America. That’s what conservatives are always telling liberals like me. Their love, they insist, is truer, deeper and more complete. Then liberals, like all people who are accused of not loving something, stammer, get defensive and try to have sex with America even though America will then accuse us of wanting it for its body and not its soul. When America gets like that, there’s no winning.

But I’ve come to believe conservatives are right. They do love America more. Sure, we liberals claim that our love is deeper because we seek to improve the United States by pointing out its flaws. But calling your wife fat isn’t love. True love is the blind belief that your child is the smartest, cutest, most charming person in the world, one you would gladly die for. I’m more in "like" with my country.

There’s a phrase – unconditional love.  It means that I love someone or something without pre-conditions or in spite of the present condition or actions, or even future malfeasance in some manner.  Unconditional love is love that just is.  As a Christian, I am called to love my wife unconditionally no matter how I am treated (and how I am treated is not the point at all).  When applied to patriotism, it means right or wrong, Democrat or Republican (or anything else), one loves their country.  Simple, right (or it used to be, anyways)?

Politicians come and go, and so do their politics and policies that shape how America is perceived.   But that is not America – it’s people, its heritage, and its ideals are what make up America.  Nothing more, but nothing less.  And that is what I love.

