24 November 2011 - Granite Grok

November 24, 2011

DCCC Annual “Ruin Thanksgiving” Cheat Sheet

Every Thanksgiving we can now expect the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) to do to your holiday what it has done to everything else it touches–ruin it. This year is no different. They have once again equipped your obnoxious left-leaning relatives with their very own palm-card.

As President, Gingrich would teach a free online course on American public policy

This is kind of interesting: GOP presidential hopeful and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Tuesday that he would teach a free Internet class on public policy if he were elected to the White House. "I think I will probably teach a course when I’m president," Gingrich said while speaking at a campaign stop at …

As President, Gingrich would teach a free online course on American public policy Read More »