30 August 2011 - Granite Grok

August 30, 2011

GrokTV Event: NH Young Republican Lobster Bake and Straw Poll – The Presidential Candidate Videos

Next up from the New Hampshire Young Republican Lobster Bake and Straw Poll were the Republicans striving to be the Republican nominee to go against Democrat socialist, Barack Hussein Obama.  They are listed in alphabetical order:   Herman Cain                            Christopher V. Hill …

GrokTV Event: NH Young Republican Lobster Bake and Straw Poll – The Presidential Candidate Videos Read More »

GrokTV Event: NH Young Republican Lobster Bake and Straw Poll – The Videos

OK, I’m 10 days out…apologies for being late (sigh…) with putting up the videos and the audio interviews (the latter will be in a later post). Here are two: Intro by NHYR Chair David Hurst and a quick address by NH GOP Chair Jack Kimball.    David Hurst                   Jack Kimball

So, whose fault (line) is it now?

Is there such a thing as a "double" of Geology / Poli-Sci at an advance degree level?   Frankly, I would it to map out all of the political faults put out by the Obama Administration. In mapping out all these faults, I notice, is nary a shake concerning responsibility for anything… (H/T: Hot Air)

Would You Suck Twice as Hard for Half as Much?

This particualr faerie story center around three graphs from the Government Printing Office (GPO). Not the fed, the treasury, or even some fruit-loop left wing think tank, but the GPO. The GPO prints stuff, and answers to the Executive branch. So right out of the toy-box we have to question these partisan stills, presented as they are in a partisan manner, bearing guestimated facts and assumptions, with no basis in reality

Republikinz-R -Stoopid?

Michelle Malkin discusses the lefts age old narrative about Republicans being dumb, and the recent attacks on Rick Perry. The obvious comparison, and she says it herself, “Dumb compared to who?” Great point. We’ve got more University economic egg-heads roaming the White House than you can shake a ruler at and yet they have to the last come up with nothing but a series of failed polices that have a) failed to meet any of their own genius exclamations and expectations and b) made things worse. It’s fun all the way through so take six minutes out of your morning and watch Malkin work.