24 March 2011 - Granite Grok

March 24, 2011

Teachers Get Help From Republicans

A bill (HB 375) is being debated in New Hampshire that, if passed, would protect teachers from civil or criminal penalties when they use physical force in the classroom. The bill is designed to protect teachers who feel helpless against aggressive students because they are afraid of being sued by parents.

Notable Quote – Jay Leno

"Can you imagine how many wars we’d be in if President Obama hadn’t gotten the Nobel Peace Prize?" -Jay Leno, comedian Back to "cowboy diplomacy"? (H/T: Instapundit)

Spoiled Brat Unions Don’t Want Parity – Again.

The measure states–if I understand it correctly–that if the union contract expires and has not been renewed, and no new contract is yet negotiated, those employees become at-will workers who can be treated (wait for it) like everyone else.

Why do liberals hate and fear scientific truth?

Answer: For the political Left, politics always trumps truth. Always has, starting with socialism and other forms of statism. A couple of days ago the sainted and foxy Ann Coulter wrote about radiation hormesis, the scientifically supported theory that a certain level of radiation dosage is beneficial to human beings. Well! Liberal truth-deniers went into their usual …

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