1 December 2010 - Granite Grok

December 1, 2010

A little bumper sticker humor…

I do a lot of driving, working in Boston and surrounding area most of the time, and I see a variety of bumper stickers as I commute. First, there’s the quintessential emotional, utopian banner "Coexist" Then one day….

Food For Thought

Over here, you’ll find Senator Shaheen crowing about how great the new food safety bill is, and how she, Senator Jeanne Shaheen, helped pass it. (It’s crap like all the other dem bills but that’s not why she’s an ass.)
She is an ass because (and if it makes you feel better Judd Gregg is an ass for being both a co-sponsor and a yeah vote) there are provisions in this Senate bill (S510) that….raise taxes.


Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air shares with us Senator Jeff Sessions revelation that despite the events of early November, Mr. Reid has submitted his badly written DREAM act aka-amnesty bill, on four seperate occassions in recent months. Ed brings the point home so well I’ll not even try to do better. (As if I even could)

Who really is accountable for the rise of bullying in schools?

Bullying is all over the news lately and some of these stories end in tragedy.  It’s created national attention and schools seem to be responding to the public outcry. I guess what I do not understand is, why are those who’ve allowed this to become an epidemic escaping accountability? I sat in on the hearings before …

Who really is accountable for the rise of bullying in schools? Read More »

Why Just One?

Question: If refusing to let one man “marry” another man violates his or their ‘civil rights’ then why is it not a violation of said same civil rights to then refuse to let one or both of them marry a second, third or forth man?

It’s Official!!

State Representative Bill O’Brien (R-Mt Vernon) was just elected as the Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, a positive step towards solid, consistent, Conservative leadership in New Hampshire’s government for the next 2 years.

NoLabels, NoWay

I think I nailed it on the head (here) back on November 17th with my first impression of the group NoLabels. But now that the Live Free or Die Alliance (LFDA), whom I have often opined springs from the same pedigree of liberal-fronted groups pretending to be middling ports of in-betweenedness in the political/ideological storm, is seeking the opinion of its members on NoLabels effort to penetrate New Hampshire.