24 November 2010 - Granite Grok

November 24, 2010

“In most states, the budget process is dysfunctional. In New Hampshire it has turned into a farce”

Charlie Arlinghous is the head of the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy and is one of the most respected authorities on NH’s budgets and the process by which it is assembled ("crafted"?  No, we shall not sully that word here).  Over at NH Watchdog, he has let loose: In most states, the budget process …

“In most states, the budget process is dysfunctional. In New Hampshire it has turned into a farce” Read More »

Notable Quote – Kenneth P. Green

This is an eternal blind spot for environmentalists: people respond to incentives, and they won’t necessarily respond to regulations in the way that regulators think they will. That’s how the Endangered Species Act led landowners to destroy habitat to prevent the government from making their land worthless. That’s how incentives for electric cars wound up …

Notable Quote – Kenneth P. Green Read More »

What are we fighting for?

According to the “National Inflation Association”, if the United States stays on the current financial and economic course, hyperinflation will kill the dollar’s value, and create a global depression, pushing it into chaos.

DCCC Thanksgiving Cheat Sheet

The Morons at the DCCC have done the nation a service this Thanskgiving. They have sent out an email to arm the tin-foil hat army with a ‘cheat sheet’ in the event that they find themselves in this unfortunate situation.

Bill O’Brien and Gene Chandler put New Hampshire first

It is gratifying to see Speaker-designate Bill O’Brien and Speaker Pro Tempore to-be Gene Chandler working together for New Hampshire. Although I intensively supported O’Brien in the race for the Speakership, I also noted that Gene Chandler "led his party honorably in the past" and as the last "real" Republican Speaker of the House, "served his State and his party …

Bill O’Brien and Gene Chandler put New Hampshire first Read More »

A Real Separation Of Powers

Separation of powers is something of a throw-away phrase for the Socialist-Democrat-Progressives. They hand it out like a comfort object to the public, a sort of well-worn teddy bear for the masses. It is meant to remind you that no matter what they do (or did) that bear will be there to help you feel better.